Are you looking for the finest solution for your project? Please feel free to use our contact form or choose one of the contact options below to get in touch with one of our experienced employees directly.
● Your contact persons
If you have any questions or concerns about our products and services, our staff will be happy to assist you. With solution competence and expertise, we will work with you to find the appropriate solution for your projects.
● Sales
Josef Keuschnigg
CEO, Business Development | DI (FH)
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Bernd Klarner
CTO, Business Development | DI
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Harald Schöffmann
Senior Process Expert | DI
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Florian Wagner
Process & Business Development
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Martin Berner
Sales & Process Engineering | DI
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Magdalena Ablasser
Process & Project Engineering | DI
Kontaktdaten werden direkt auf Ihr Gerät importiert
Adolf Stipsic
Process & Project Engineering | DI
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● Consultants
Norbert Kofler
Business & Project Development
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● Commercial agents
Abdel Berkoune
France & Benelux
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Thomas Hacker
USA - Cement Alliance
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Gilberto Rodriquez
Central America
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Amr Awadalla
Kontaktdaten werden direkt auf Ihr Gerät importiert
Jacobus Johannes Viljoen
South Africa
Kontaktdaten werden direkt auf Ihr Gerät importiert
Cesar Cataldo
Kontaktdaten werden direkt auf Ihr Gerät importiert
● Contact us
Let's talk about your project.
We would be happy if you share your plans with us – and if we can do our part.
● Inquiry form
● Phone
● Office hours
Mon to Thu: 08.00-16.00
Fri: 08.00-12.00
Advance registration is requested.
● Location
Neugasse 111
8200 Gleisdorf, Austria